Pre-Shift Procedure
Unlock door
Turn OFF alarm - Enter your CODE XXXX
Lock door behind you
Fill out practitioner COVID Pre-Check Form - MANDATORY
Run water for 5 min before using. Their may be sediment in the pipes.
Patient Session PROCEDURE
Pre-Check the patient COVID Survey - Look at patient’s CHART
If they have not filled it out, tell your patient to look at their email and fill it out. Remind them that they will have to fill it out before every session
MASK - Put on mask
UNLOCK door and allow patient in.
LOCK door behind them
Temperature Check - use IR gun to take temperature - Log temp in patient appointment note in Jane
SANITIZE Patient’s Hands - Clear liquid is the hand sanitizer
WASH or SANITIZE your hands
Waiver Form - If first time at AUX … Please fill out waiver form
COVID Sensitivity Check with Patient - Would you like me to wear: Face Shield, Gloves.
Note for PHASE 2 we will be wearing a face shield when treating the Neck, Shoulders or when there is close contact
CLEAN anything touched or used in the gym
SANITIZE Patient’s Hands - Clear liquid is the hand sanitizer.
EXIT OUT THE BACK DOOR - Aux wants one entry and one exit point.
SANITIZE or WASH your hands
CLEAN … Please follow the cleaning checklist - Clean … Table, all equipment, Common contact surfaces (Door Handles)
Post-Shift Procedure
Clean - Wipe down - See check list
Turn on alarm = Hit “SECURITY” —> “ARM” —> “AWAY” —> “XXXX” (4-digit Code)
Lock door - NOTE … You may have to pull door out a little bit to align the locking mechanism
Other location notes
Parking for OHFAST - we can park in the Aux designated spots from
Parking for Patients - they still must park on the street. They are not allowed to park past the gate.
Air Conditioning - See Aux pics for location - Don’t forget to Turn off A/C when you leave
Patient info about location
Pinch to ZOOM IN