OHFAST Covid Policy

  • Close Contact with Patient - if double vaccinated and your patient is positive…

    • Seen During Infectious Period (within 48 hrs) —> need negative PCR test to return

    • Not seen during the infectious Period —> Monitor symptoms

    • Reference - Call with TO public Health on 11/21/21 - https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-what-you-should-do/covid-19-what-to-do-if-you-are-a-close-contact/

  • Changed patient Covid screen to reflect OCA and Ontario Health Government guideline - Double vax doesn’t have to answer questions 4 & 5 (Travel question & Close contact without PPE)

    • Reference - https://chiropractic.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/OCA_COVID-19-Screening-Tool-Sept.29-fillable-Final.


Version 2 - 12/8/2020

OHFAST has updated its COVID plan to reflect the increasing cases in the TO region. This plan has been devised to do our part to limit the spread of COVID-19 and to keep our team members and community safe. We took into considerations the documents from the government and our regulatory colleges to help create these policies and procedures.

What is our staff doing?

  • Daily Self-monitoring. We are self-monitoring everyday. We are required to fill out a self questionnaire to indicate symptom-free status to enable us to work that day. We answer all of the COVID questions listed below. Please see attached pics below.

  • General Cleaning. We are cleaning the table, chair, used equipment and all contact points between patients.

    • At the end of the day all contact points and equipment will be sanitized.

  • Hand cleaning. We will be be thoroughly washing hands and/or sanitizing hands between patients.

  • Mask Policy. Masks will be on at all times. We will be wearing a new mask for every treatment day.

  • Face Shield Policy. We will be wearing face shield’s for all head/neck, shoulder and close contact treatments.

  • Patient Preference. We are happy to accommodate to patients comfort level.

    • We will be happy to wear wear masks, face shields and gloves for your treatment session.

    • Normal practice will be to wear masks at all times and also face shield for head and neck treatments.

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Testing guidelines

  • We will follow the testing guidelines as stated in the provincial testing guideline.

  • Our team will be tested if we have Covid Symptoms (Please see updated Symptom Guideline)

  • Our team will be tested if we have high contact exposure to a known positive case

  • We will follow the other rules outlined win the provincial testing doc


  • Our Team will self-screen with a questionnaire before everyday

  • Our patients must fill out self-screening questionnaire before every treatment session

Treatment standards will continue to be the same from version 1

Cleaning protocols will remain the same from version 1


OHFAST Covid Return Plan V1


OHFAST is excited to return to helping service our community once again. This plan has been devised to do our part to limit the spread of COVID-19 and to keep our team members and community safe. We took into considerations the documents from the government and our regulatory colleges to help create these policies and procedures.

Since we mainly operate in gym facilities we have met with all the owners of each facility to coordinate our efforts to develop plans that will work for each facility. Please note this in version 2 of plan and is subject to updates. As best practices and standards change we will update our plan. Please note that all gyms are currently closed to the public in the most recent lockdown from Nov 23 for at least 28 days.

The summary of our plan will be based around:

  • Screening & Consent

  • Entry, Exit, Facility Rules

  • Treatment Standards

  • Cleaning Standards

  • Positive Case Scenario

Phases of plan

  1. Phase 1 - Opening during lockdown while gyms are closed with Medical clinic open

    1. Gyms (6S & Aux) closed - Mon Nov 23, 2020 for at least 28 days (Mon Dec 21, 2020) - please note the lock down may be longer.

    2. MCI location will still be open - Please note medical services have been suspended. Dental and Lab services are still open.

  2. Phase 2 - Gyms open to the public

    1. Gyms Open to the public - Unknown date

  3. Phase 3 - To be updated.

Phase 2 Plan


Screening questions - Mask - Temperature - Screening questions

OBJECTIVE: To make the first line of defence of transmission to be as robust and effective as we possibly can to prevent infection.

There will be an active and passive screening process for OHFAST Patients before and the day of the their appointment (CCO, 2020)

  • The patient will be contacted the day before their appointment and asked the following questions.

  • When the patient arrives at their appointment they will be asked to wear their mask or face covering. We will supply a mask if they do not have one.

  • Then their temperature will be taken. The temperature must be below 37.8 C (OMOH, 2020)

  • They will also be asked the same questions the day of their appointment by their performance therapist or OHFAST team member.

  • Sign form consenting to treatment that day and acknowledging the increased risk of contracting COVID-19 when getting treated during the COVID-19 pandemic

Screening questions (CCO, 2020)

  1. Is the person presenting with fever, new onset of cough, worsening chronic cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing?

  2. Did the person have close contact with anyone with acute respiratory illness or travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days?

  3. Does the person have a confirmed case of COVID-19 or had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?

  4. Does the person have two (2) or more of the following symptoms: sore throat, runny nose/sneezing, nasal congestion, hoarse voice, difficulty swallowing, decrease or loss of sense of smell, chills, headaches, unexplained fatigue/malaise, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or nausea/vomiting? Please see the following link for the Ministry of Health COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms of COVID-19?

  5. If the person is over 65 years of age, are they experiencing any of the following: delirium, falls, acute functional decline, or worsening of chronic conditions?

  6. Time will be noted and this will be a part of contact log.

If a person answers “yes” to any of these questions we will ask them to wait 14 days, call TO public health or get tested. They will be able to come back if they wait 14 days or get confirmed certificate of a negative tests.

Entry, Exit and Facility rules

OBJECTIVE: The theme will be to limit time inside facility and gradually open.

  • Patient will wait outside the facility until an OHFAST Staff member lets them in.

  • The patient will be walked through the gym to the clinic room with all their belonging.

  • OHFAST Team member will enter through the front door and exit out the back.

Treatment Standards

Main objective: To create a safe environment for OHFAST Staff and patients with the use of PPE and physical distancing guidelines when possible.

  • Patients and the OHFAST team will be required to wear masks at all times.

  • Before going to the back the clinician is require to sanitize or wash their hands

    • Hand washing procedures are as follows: turn taps on with paper towel, wash hands with soap and water for 20 sec and close taps with paper towel.

  • When entering the clinic rooms the patient is required to put their belongings in one area

  • Face shields will be recommended when working on areas closer to the face. When working on the face and shoulders a face shield will worn on top of the mask. The OHFAST team member should sanitize their hands before putting mask on and before taking the mask off.

  • After using treatment tools or exercise equipment the team member must sanitize the equipment before the next patient

  • When treatment is finished the OHFAST team member will sanitize the patient’s hands and their hands before leaving.

  • In between patients there will be a sanitization checklist which will include: common touch areas, equipment, other patient touch points (desk chair)

Cleaning & Sanitization Standards

Main objective: To clean the areas we occupy to the best of our capacity and inline with guidelines from the government of Ontario, ministry of health, our colleges and the facilities in which we operate.

  • We will open doors with gloves and paper towel when possible. If we touch it we will clean it after with our COVID approved cleaning solvent.

  • We will encourage washing hands with soap and water for 20 sec when possible. If not, hand sanitization with our 80% alcohol solution will be required.

  • The OHFAST staff is required to sanitize and clean any treatment tools, exercise equipment right after patient use put into the sanitization bin. The sanitization bin will be sanitized between patients.

  • At the end of the day (EOD) the OHFAST team member must go through the EOD checklist - which will include a sanitization checklist.

Cleaning supplies

Positive case Scenario

Possible Positive Case Contact or

  • We will get tested if it is a high contact scenario or notified by the COVID alert app

COVID symptoms present

  • Our staff will get tested.

Staff Positive Scenario

  • If positive case occurs with our staff we will follow the steps outline by TO public health. We will notify all people who were in contact to monitor symptoms

Facility Staff Positive Scenario

If we are notified of a positive case we contact public health and provide them with our contact logs. We will go through the necessary steps they require from us. We will thoroughly clean the areas we touch and will pass on instructions required by public health.

Our staff will have to go through a mandatory 14-day quarantine or get test and present us with documentation stating they are COVID-19 negative.


  1. Ontario Ministry of Health - COVID-19 Provincial Testing Guidance Update. (2020, May 28). http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/publichealth/coronavirus/docs/2019_covid_testing_guidance.pdf

  2. College of Chiropractors of Ontario (COO) (2020, May 15). GUIDANCE FOR RETURN TO PRACTICE FOR CCO MEMBERS WHEN AUTHORIZED BY GOVERNMENT (DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fAmuW94HgipY9H5Tpsge47jHYHSh6j3A/view?usp=sharing

  3. Ministry of Health - COVID -19 Operational Requirements: Health Sector Restart - Version 1.0 (2002, May 26). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eI4Wn400LeLtMk9UIfpwppgkFBR1GFEN/view?usp=sharing

  4. COVID-19 Directive #2 for Health Care Providers (Regulated Health Professionals or Persons who operate a Group Practice of Regulated Health Professionals) Issued under Section 77.7 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA), R.S.O. 1990, c. H.7 (2020, May 26