Based on the research needling helps to:

  • decreases pain

  • Increases local blood flow in the tissue the needles are inserted into⁣

  • Calms down your nervous system ⁣

  • Reduces muscle spasm⁣

  • Brings a lot of healing factors to tissues along with that blood flow ⁣

  • Reduces swelling ⁣
    And on top of that, you can specifically target the exact tissue you want to evoke healing in. Dr. Emily uses it everyday - when used well, acu works magic!! 🍃⁣. And it's the most rewarding thing ever to see that kind of positive change that quickly in patients ☺️✨ 


Dr. Emily Younes has taken the Functional Integrative Needling course. She uses needling in her practice everyday.

To book a needling session please click on her picture below.