- Breathe out to get ribs & pelvis in a neutral position
- Lift your hips up by bringing your belt to the ceiling
2) Squeeze your gluts and abs at the top to your ribs from flaring
3) Avoid arching your back
4) You can try the guns variation. Put your finger on ribs and pelvis. Try not to let it open.
Deadbug 90
- Start on your back. Bring your knees up with your hips, knees and ankles in the 90/90/90 degree position
- Drop your heel and touch the ground softly. Keep your knees and ankles at 90 degrees.
- NOTE - if you feel pain in your back or extreme tightness in your hip downgrade your reps. Only work in the pain free zone. If it starts to hurt at 6 reps, only do 4-5 reps.
Quad Cross Touch
- Start in all 4's position on your elbows and knees.
- Touch your opposite shoulder and lift your opposite knee.
3) Try to minimize the shift to feel your core engage. The heavier the floor feels the better your core is working.
4) Avoid lateral shift
90/90 Hip
1) Set up knee in 90 degree position. Should look like a side sit lunge